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on December 16, 2011

I sometimes follow other kids carepages, even those that I do not know.  I had stopped for a while after Alexander died, because it was just too hard.  But, there were two that I did follow, because they were both very public and open with their stories.
Both of those little girls died this week.   Both from neuroblastoma.   The first little girl, Charlotte was 5 years old.  She fought against this evil disease for 2.5 years.

The second little girl was named Saorise.  She only fought for 7 MONTHS.  From what I have read on her families blog, her death, much like Alexander’s was very sudden and unexpected.

We had Alexander for 13 months after he was diagnosed.   No matter how short or how long, it is never enough.  It is so sad that these kids have to go through all of this chemo, surgery, radiation and CRAP only to still die!!!  Unless you have lived it, you can not imagine how hard it is to watch poison be put into your beautiful childs veins – knowing that it will make him sick, but yet knowing that the poison is his best chance at growing up to become a fine young man.

The amount of funding – or rather lack there of – that childhood cancer’s receive compared to other cancers – and other diseases is appalling.   It is as if these kids don’t “matter”.   But they DO matter.  The children are the ones that will grow up and change the world!   If we can’t save the kids, then what will become of our world?

Earlier this week we went into Boston to see a quilt that was made up of many different Angels.  All of these Angels have died from cancer.  It was a site to see.  Someone said “awesome” on my photo. And yes, in some ways it is awesome, because it was so beautiful.  But really, it was sad, because of how many Angels there were – and it keeps getting bigger.

The organization, Make Noise 4 Kids.  Was started by a boy who was able to beat his cancer.  After hearing about the death of a small child on his unit, he knew that someone had to MAKE SOME NOISE about Childhood cancer, and start to raise funds.   His foundation, presented a check for $50,000 to the Dana-Faber cancer research group.  This was wonderful – but sadly, they could not get one media group to cover this.  They were told that it wasn’t a “local” enough story.  Ummm…hello!?!?!  You have THREE children’s hospitals in this area, all of which treat kids with cancer.  Some of those kids, including my Alexander were on that quilt!  A LOCAL group was receiving a check for $50,000!  How is that not local!?!?

One response to “STUPID CANCER!!!

  1. Erin says:

    It was very sad to be at Tufts this week and think for half a second, “Hey, I wonder if Nancy’s here so we can stop in?” only to remember before I said it. And then I thought, “But that means that they’re not trapped in the hospital today, either.” Then I didn’t know how to feel. Most of the time, I do not know what to say. So since you spoke first today, I’ll reply that we will always love Alexander and be so thankful for the way you shared him with us. You continue to inspire me with the way you carry on his fight. I’ll always wish there was more I could do or say. But today, I just send my love, and a reminder that our prayers are with you every single day.

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