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Starting to sink in.

on February 8, 2024

My uncle recently sent me this quote: Gilda Radner:  It’s always something. 

It is so true. The reality of my diagnosis is starting to sink in. Work has been rough this week. Trying to stay focused on the job, while thinking about the stupid cancer. In addition, there have been some changes, and I don’t always do well with changes, especially when they are (at least to me!) extreme. So I am butting heads with a co-worker (who doesn’t know what is going on yet). YAY fun!! 

I have been able to schedule my surgery for next week. It will be a lumpectomy. Prior to that I will have an MRI, they will plant a “seed” to help the doctor locate the spot, and blood work. The first week after my surgery, is school vacation week. Since I am working in a school, I will have that week off. I have sick leave I can take if needed. However, anyone who works as a teacher, nurse, caregiver, knows how it is. You care so much about the people you take care of, that you hate to leave them! But, as I told another teacher recently who had to take some time off “you have to put your own oxygen mask on first, then take care of those around you”

Prior to this diagnosis, I was planning on giving up Chocolate for Lent. I don’t think that will be happening now (especially since I have been eating my feelings the past two weeks!) But I do think God will understand. 

2 responses to “Starting to sink in.

  1. Lesley Whittier says:


  2. Karen says:

    Nancy, thinking of you. Thank you for keeping us informed so we can send prayers and know what’s going on. And God will understand.

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